I am thoroughly awake. I tried to make Z's a few hours ago, but it was no use.. I'm up, and after watching Julie and Julia, I felt like leaving a post (not like anyone reads this thing lol). Anyways, I really didn't think I was going to like the movie, but it is absolutely adorable and has put me in a good mood. I feel creative, in part due to the recent rain. I can't decide whether to read, knit, or go for a walk. Either way, I don't think I'll be going back to sleep anytime soon. The other part of my creative conscious is awake due largely to the fact that I went to the gem and mineral show yesterday and man did I score big! It was very nostalgic being there. As the French would say, tres nostalgique! While I thumbed the countless rows of garnet, pearls, turquoise, and other various stones from around the globe, I thought of my grandmother. When I was little, I remember her having a booth at the same show. She used to intricately carve these wonderful eggs and encrust them with beads and stones. It sounds weird trying to describe them. She was so talented! She made a kaleidoscope of of one egg, and beaded the outside of the entire thing! It's at my moms place, but maybe someday I'll take some really cool pictures of it. She made a music box out of another. It had hinges along it and would open up to display minuscule figurine dancers. I can't remember where that one ended up, hopefully it hasn't gone too far. Anyways, I used to love staring at them, among the various other eggs she designed. I am ever so thankful of this unique legacy she left. It is not much, but it truly is dear to my heart. She died when I was around five or six, so I did not know her well. But I remember her shop in the back of the house where my mom grew up. My cousins and I were always aloud to play with the beads she had in plastic drawers. It was kind of magical. It really is funny how you forget sometimes.. and then with something so simple, you are flooded with memories. My grandfather used to keep a can crusher on the side of their garage. There was an old stone bird bath in their back yard. I remember the garden they once had, always overgrown with weeds. I remember how the planes would fly over so often. I remember the giant sunflowers that would grow in the empty lot next door. I remember the smell of their old run down house, and how its vast treasures nurtured my adventurous side. I remember. It is the simple and delicate recollections like these that remind my soul how to glow. In the mean time, I'm going to cook myself some cheesy eggs, brew a pot of coffee, turn on some jazz, and cherish the heart of the moment while I decide on another creative outlet to channel good feelings.

P.S. The picture above really makes me want to find my knee socks and put them on for no particular reason :]
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