There isn't much info on Frantisek offered on the web. There was an anthology of his work published not long ago, but its rather pricey. Last semester I was actually able to view a copy of it through the HMFA library. I am flabbergasted with his talent. If I ever become wealthy enough to collect art, one of his pieces would be first on my list. I wouldn't say that he is super well know, but the art community definitly recognizes and respects his achievemnts. A piece of his, that is one of my favorites, hangs in the HMFA in the company of giants. Renoir's and Van Gogh's call Mr. Kupka neighbor.

The Yellow Scale 1907
Oil on Canvas
Art Institute of Chicago

Planes by Colors 1909-10
(By far one of my most favorites)
Study for the Language of Verticals
Museo Thyssen
Museo Thyssen
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