The Doppio is two shots of espresso. I don't get it as often as most drinks, but it adds an extra pick me up when I need it.. without weighing me down.

Black coffee is pretty much my everyday drink. Most people don't like the taste of it without sugar or milk, but it tastes great to me. Personally sugar and milk make it fake tasting to me.

The dry not fat cappucino just means that this particular type of cappucino consists of mostly foam. It is super creamy and delicious and probably has less calories than normal drinks A) because it is non fat and B) because it is mostly air lol.

Ahhh my good friend, the soy pumkin spice latte with toffee nut. This is a drink I created while working at Starbucks. It is my seasonal 'little fat girl' beverage. It is super yummy and tastes like grahm crackers. I get mine without whipped cream and with two pumps of toffee nut. Mmmm! It's actually really great iced too!

Last but certainly not least is Vietnamese iced coffee. I love this drink!! It consists of slow brewed dark chicory coffee on top of sweetened condensed milk. Once the whole mixture is done, you add it to a cup of ice. It tastes sooo sooo good, and actually is pretty reasonable to create on your own! Found this kit online for pretty cheap! Once I start making some more monies, it's on my list.
Well there you have it, a few of my favorite coffee drinks! Now don't be afraid to get out and start brewing your own!