I'll be flying close to LA to see a good friend of mine on Wednesday and I could not be more excited to get out of the city. I am sooo ready for it.

With finals and SATs I've been stress city over here in my little apartment so it will be good to kick off summer with a bang. Plus I miss my friend a ton! She's been involved in WYAM for practically the last two years. We skype and she was home last summer, but this will be a real treat to get to hang out with her for a week! Plus like I said, it will be uber nice to get out of muggy Houston and dive into the Pacific :]

I've really learned lately to value the friendships I have, even though I don't always get to see those who are important to me.

(Basically this is Gracie and I haha)
Its nice to make time to do so.

Plus I'll be sure to take a tonnnn of pictures. I'm considering taking my Holga but I will for sure take my SLR.
